Chuck Dunn, President 2008-2009
“I give to the NRST for two reasons: to support my Club, and to support my City. It’s almost like a two-for-one deal!”
“I give to the NRST for two reasons: to support my Club, and to support my City. It’s almost like a two-for-one deal!”
“By combining the time and resources of our large and powerful group we can make real differences in the community making impacts that individuals and smaller organizations can’t achieve on their own.”
“Whether we’re serving those hungry for food, for education or for shelter, the Rotary Club of Nashville has strength in our numbers and our passion. Please join me!”
“I see the NRST investment making an impact through Feed The Need. It’s great to see so many Rotarians and their families being able to make the holidays brighter for people who might not be able to celebrate them otherwise.”
“I invest in the Rotary Club’s projects because I think we can do so much more collectively than individually…both from a financial and volunteer perspective.”
“I have been a member of Rotary for many years so my children who are now young adults have grown up participating in community service projects with me. We have helped landscape a new home that Rotary built; put together playground equipment for a childcare center and delivered food to hungry Nashvillians. Showing them rather Read More »
“By combining the time and resources of our large and powerful group we can make real differences in the community making impacts that individuals and smaller organizations can’t achieve on their own.”
Lady Bird, President 2005-2006